Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jean Valjean

What if a Lilliputian, that funny little people from Gulliver's Travels, happened to walk into our world?  What would they think?  How would they feel?

Setting:  Berlin, Germany.

Victim: Jean Valjean, the French Lilliputian

Monday, July 27, 2012:
"Dear journal, as you know I have been journeying all over the world in search of adventure.  I have sailed the vast ocean that separates England from France.  I have scaled some of the highest mountains, for example, the Anthill.  Whilst climbing the Anthill, I was suddenly set upon by the fiercest creatures ever.  And, then, I crossed what looked like one of the widest rivers ever.  Yet it looked as solid as rock.  At first, I thought it was a Lava flow, but I learned later that is was a man-made road.  As I attempted the crossing, I was continually attacked by some of the fastest machines ever.  I also learned from a fellow traveler that this was the Autobahn.  But, the most dangerous and surprising adventure is just ahead of me.  I woke up this morning and set out as usual, but instead of being accompanied by peaceful woods, and a calming river, I suddenly bumped into a solid wall.  As I shook my head in surprise, I looked up.  And, my surprise didn't stop there, it was a wall extending up into the air as high as the eye could see.  Then, as I finally climbed around this piece of useless fool-diggery, I stepped out to a view that made me wish that I was back in my house in France.  Extending in all directions, is what looked like a city, yet it was larger and more ugly than my cities back at home."

Tuesday, July 28, 2012:
"Oh, the terror journal!!  I am currently in a sewage pipe..  Hanging with my rats.  It has been the worst day of my life.  When I entered the city, which I soon came to know by a sign as large as... well anyhow words can't describe., I found out that I was in Berlin.  The capital of Germany.  As you may well imagine I was going crazy!  I couldn't believe that I made it this far!!  But, anyhow.  My excitement diminished considerably when I entered it.  I do have to admit that it was very dirty.  I mean, after I had been in the country, where everything is so pristine it was a big culture shock.  That was just the start of my disappointment.  No one seems to be nice here.  They aren't at all understanding.  And, then the food that I could scrape up from the garbage was disgusting.  But, then, here is the worst part journal, I was almost stepped on by someone while trying to view a display in the Checkpoint Charlie museum.  And, they didn't seem to pay the slightest attention to my pitiful cries of injustice."

Wednesday, July 29, 2012:
"Day Three.  Disgusted.  My soaring hopes at the start of my travels to see one of the most famous and infamous Capitals.  To see the sights.  To drink in the stories.  To learn it's history.  Never, I believe, in the entire History of the World has there been such a let down.  My once light hopes have been dashed on the rocks of horrible disappointment.  Today, I wandered into the not so bright part of Berlin.  The crudeness and rudeness was just astounding.  Then, when I escaped that hole in the wall, I went into downtown, and tried to cross a street, and almost got hit by a Taxi!  Yes, my dear friends, those yellow monsters, kill Lilliputians like me about as often as they run red lights.  Yes, I am thoroughly tired.  I am ready to return home."

Thursday, July 30, 2012:
"Done.  After I finally found a Pizza Factory, I am totally and decidedly done.  The Pizza was good, yet, when you try to find three Mexican restaurants, and they either are closed, or turned into Casinos, the Pizza isn't as good.  So, Journal, I am going on.  I am going to quit Berlin and try to find some restful hotel by the side of the road in a quaint little village."

Note:  No Lilliputians were killed in the making of this blog post.  I promise.  And also, this is from a Lilliputian perspective.  Berlin is not at all that bad.  It was actually a delightful experience to tour around and visit historical sites.  I would suggest you visit it!  And possibly stop by, and I can show you around.


Sarah said...

I'm really quite sure there's nothing about bunnies here...

Isaac Lopez said...
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Isaac Lopez said...

Nope, no bunnies. I thought they had enough with being hit over the head with a flashlight. :P