Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You Can't Just Eat the Bible

You can't just eat the Bible, and say that you know enough to get you to heaven.  That is not the way you go about it.  I know the Bible is sometimes used in an analogy as bread, but that doesn't give you good reason to eat it.  No.  No.  Back away.  I know it looks enticing, but back off.

Bread.  Not Bible bread.
Yes, the Bible is Bread.  But not the bread that you make sandwiches out of.  This is the what we feed off of to obtain our real sustenance.  We need to come daily to the Bible.  No, I am not about to depart on a long rant on how we need our daily devotional with God.  And that you are a heathen if you don't.

But, I will say that if you want to grow as a Christian, you should come to the Bible. This is where we get our marching orders.  We need this kind of nurturing if we are going to preach the gospel in this world.  In the Bible, we do not find sandwich bread.  But we do find everlasting bread.  It gives us the strength to run the race, as the Apostle Paul says. 

So, I will encourage you to set sometime aside this day and try to go and delve into His Word.  It isn't easy, I try to do it daily.  Unfortunately, I am not as faithful as I would like.  I am challenging myself and you to try set aside for the Lord.  The Lord of Host deserves more than just ten minutes of your time.  He deserves every second and every minute that we breathe.  We need to worship him every time we draw breath.  Now, this doesn't mean that we should read the Bible the whole day.  But we should constantly be aware that our Father in Heaven is watching us, and we should act accordingly.

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