Wednesday, September 25, 2013

That Time of Year

It's that time of year again.  School.  Yea, I can't believe it either.  We're already over a month into school, and four weeks into Online classes.  It's a time where we are scurrying to finish our homework and determined to score A's on all of our tests.  But as the year goes on, and the leaves fall and winter deepens, we slowly lose our determination and want to learn.  The Holidays are such fun, and school..  becomes a distraction.

Besides school, our lives just seem to pick up the pace.  Summer seemed to pass in a blur, the school year goes by even faster.  We have extra-curricular activities kicking off.  For me, it's preparing for basketball season, and going outside and catching the few rays of sunshine that are fortunate enough to break through the clouds. (One of the blessings of Germany.)  Also, free reading.  Shh.  I really should keep reading the Iliad.

But, anyway, what I'm trying to get at is, don't lose focus.  Yes, the school year is a blur.  But don't forget to stop and enjoy the little moments.  Learning can be enjoyable if you stop viewing it as a burden.  Trust me, it changes the school year completely.  Pause every once and awhile.  Look out the car window, go for a walk.  Enjoy the flame of colors.  Watch as the Creation burst into flames before dying away.  God is artistic.  His designs are many and beautiful.  Go out and take joy in them.  He loves it when we actually pause and take in His wondrous creation.

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