*No. Stop. Before you go any further, this is not about One Direction. Never been a fan. Anyway, back to the original program.*
Last Thursday I woke up early, blogged, got ready for my day, and jogged to Chemistry which started at 8 a.m. (I know, bright and early) Seeing as how it was only 2 miles away, I decided to run to the co-op. Thus, you find me with my backpack slung over my shoulder and dribbling my basketball to a neighboring village at the crack of dawn.
While I was plodding along and listening to my Ipod, a car rolled by and it's window slid down. An elderly man popped his head out and asked in German (As far as I know), "Do you need a ride?"
It was not at all creepy, he was heading the way I was and his family were in the van as well. I politely declined, preferring to finish out my run. But what really caught my attention was that so many cars had already passed me, but this man, who was obviously taking his child to school, was willing to slow down and ask a total stranger if he needed a lift.
It it sad that majority of small acts of kindness in this era is unusual. When a person that we don't know, asks us for something, we frown upon them with suspicion. (I have fallen prey to this very often.) When a person desperately asks someone to help, we normally tend to ask what's going and demand an explanation before we dash to that person's aid. Since when did chivalry take a second thought? It's little things like this, pulling up to ask a person if they need any help, that shows people love. And aren't we called to love? Aren't we called to share the love of Christ to the world? Christ sacrificed Himself for us because He loved us. If He is willing to die and suffer for us, then how much more can we show to one person for the few moments we inter-act with them?
These loving acts are the first steps to showing people what kind of God God is. Not only does He love us, but He wants to protect His children. And if He wants us to help that little old lady across the street so that His love his shown to her, then who are we to deny Him?
I could tell this was written very intentionally :) Thank you.
You're welcome ;)
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