Saturday, May 17, 2014

Seven Years of Adventure

Seven years of adventure.  Seven years of Bear.  Seven years that I couldn't imagine what it would have be like without, Solomon Barak Lopez.  We have had our petty differences and annoyances, but we're brothers, we will always be there for each other.  I can't believe that it's been seven years since you've been born, they've been quick.  We have had our adventures.  We've moved across continents and oceans.  We've lived on a island in the middle of the Pacific, and explored multiple countries in Europe while living in Germany..  It's been a whirlwind.  An adventure.

You're a ham.
Anyone need a model for a jean magazine?
Throwback to your sixth birthday at Playmobil Land.
Always exploring.
And we're back one year later.
AT & T bars
*insert a meaningful quote here*

Can you spot the Bear?

This photo makes me laugh.

Manly poses, yes?

This adventure we're having in Germany is coming to a close.. Next stop, El Paso, Texas.  We need Stetsons, bro.

"Kill the dragon, get the girl."

Happy Birthday, Bear!

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