Saturday, September 20, 2014

Made for Work

Man.  Made in the image of God.  Walked with God.  Jewel of creation.

Man.  Stewards.  Placed in a Garden to tend.  

Man.  Made for work.

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28 KJV)

Genesis 1:28.  Also known as the dominion mandate.  Man was blessed, and given charge of the earth.  We were given charge of this earth,  to care and tend it.  But also to subdue it, to be in control.  We were given dominion.  We were made kings.  Kings are put in charge, but that also means that they have a responsibility.  We have a responsibility to nurture and protect what God put under us.  Not only that, but we were made for work.

Our culture in general today tends to wander from this.  We strive to work less and relax more.  My dad put it best, when he said, "Our culture wants to rest five days, and work two."  When it should be the complete opposite.  We should be willing to work six days and rest one.  Our work should glorify God.  All that we do should reflect our Creator.  

So, if there is one take away from this post, just remember when Monday morning rolls around, get ready for a week of hard work.  Get ready to sweat.  Get ready for the next battle.  Work can be hard, but it can also be enjoyable.  God made us to work.  To love work.  So when the Sabbath settles upon us, Rest.  Rest and renew yourself in the Lord.  Renew your strength with the Lord of Ages.

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