Monday, December 29, 2014

Peter Jackson, You Stretched Too Far

This afternoon, a few of my family members and I went to view the new movie that came out.  You might've heard of it.  The Hobbit  The Battle of the Five Armies.  I have been extremely excited to watch this last movie of the Hobbit series, and potentially the last in the Tolkien films.  But, I wouldn't put it past Peter Jackson to direct an 87-part series based on the book Silmarillion.  Just wait.
Now, I might have set my sights a little high.  I just recently purchased The Lord of the Rings and still love that series.  It's well done, very well done.  Then I rewatched The Hobbit  An Unexpected Journey just the other day with my family.  It was pretty decent.  Then, we all know about the Desolation of Smaug, that had no desolating whatsoever.  Very anticlimactic.

And now, The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies is up to bat, and when the pitch came, it swung about ten seconds too late.  Very simply, this last Hobbit installment was a letdown.  

Now, obviously, I can't just say this and not present a few of my reasons for why this movie was a letdown. Don't worry.  I'll explain myself.

I have been reminded by many of my friends, who have reasoned with me, that I need to forget the book and just focus on the movie.  That's heresy.  One cannot simply forget the masterpiece of Tolkien...  But, I did indeed strive to put aside that fantastic read and watch the movie.  It didn't help one bit.  First off, Peter Jackson shouldn't have tried to make a novel into a trilogy.  One could already see that he was going to have to add a side story.

Thus, you find a love story between a dwarf and an elf.  Sounds logical.

I shall not linger on this odd filler.  The last thing that I will say about it, is that it was extremely cheesy.  And also, Tauriel seemed to wear the pants in that relationship.  She definitely saved Fili's butt more than a few times.

And onto one of my biggest pet peeves about this movie.  The plot conveniences.  It just got ridiculous.  I'm used to the occasional extraordinary escapes of the main character(s), but this movie had a plethora of them. Some were just too over the top.  This scene from the Desolation of Smaug should have been a foreshadowing of things to come.  

But I was proud of Director Jackson when Legolas actually ran out of arrows.  I clapped appreciatively.

When can the main character just die?  It sounds morbid, but it is very true.  It's nigh impossible for the main character to die.  So, I was actually surprised that Thorin died.  And I even cheered when Fili died.  (The love story ruined him.)  

As I mentioned earlier, Jackson made a novel into a trilogy, and I believe that he stretched himself on this one.  This movie, in general, was not well made.  It felt like the next scene would try to one up the scene before it in how dramatic it was.  And, with all the beheading that happened in the battle, there was no blood spatter.  That was so very realistic.  

That, is all I have for now.  I may come up with more later, but these were the major flaws that I found in the movie.  Director Peter Jackson stretched it on this one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you have bloodspatter in a movie you have too give it an R rating, which would turn down alot of viewers. And while the romance was entirely too cheesy I much appreciated the character development with dwarves other than thorin. About fili or kili whichever one the loved tauriel, I thought his death was very sad and noble as well as thorin's. The other twin's death however made me want to cry for how quick and easy it was. But I ultimately declare that Billy Conolly as the dwarf general made the entire film series with his eloquent banter and outrageous head butts!