Wednesday, April 1, 2015

An Unforgettable Journey

When the basketball season loomed closer, I was faced with playing on a team that I hadn't played for.  I had only met the coach once.  And I knew none of my future teammates.  The situation was rather daunting. But when I first stepped foot on that court, it was the first step on a journey that I will never forget.

We were a young team, having lost a plethora of seniors last year.  This year we had three juniors, a sprinkling of sophomores, and many freshmen.  This team was young and talented and ended up having one of the best seasons, maybe more than we could have wished for.  We took second in the Hoop Prep Classic at the beginning of the year, took first in the Immanuel Tournament, and first in SWCAA tourney. We would also go on to take second in our State Tournament.  We finished up with an overall record of 23-7.  It wasn't easy; there were times when we got blown out, or would lose close championship games, but this team always bounced back.  This team had so much heart, and it showed. 

On an individual note, this season taught me a lot, just like in past years.  But this year, I learned what it meant to be a leader.  And what it meant to step up and encourage and push my teammates.  I got plenty of encouragement from my teammates as well, and definitely some pushing.  One of the things I will remember is that this team would get excited.  The thing that sticks out most to me was in the semi-final of the State Tournament.  That game I was really nervous, but with every bucket, every layup, every steal, the bench would get loud.  I fed off their energy.  I won't forget the energizing bench we had.

Below are some photos I was able to find:

(Most of them were taken by Ms. Suzette Acuna and Abigail Lopez.)
This was one of those "oops" moments.  (Photo creds: Ms. Acuna)

Oh.  And did I forget to mention, that we got to play in the Don Haskins Center?  That was cool.  (Photo creds: Ms. Acuna)

Photo creds: Ms. Acuna

Photo creds: Ms. Acuna 
This is pretty much the story of the season.  Me on the ground, and Nico laughing.  (Photo creds: Ms. Acuna)

Celebrating our SWCAA Championship.  (Photo creds: Abigail Lopez) 
(Photo creds: Abigail Lopez)

Photo creds: Abigail Lopez

At State. (Photo creds: Abigail Lopez)

Pregame warmups.  (Photo creds: Abigail Lopez)

Photo creds: Ms. Acuna

Relaxing after our first round win.

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