In a culture that is overly protective of their children, we sure seem comfortable killing thousands by the day. Our culture is a paradox. A big one. Mixed and tangled up with itself, it's losing track of what freedom is. I mentioned in my previous post on Planned Parenthood how our nation is inconsistent and is a lawless land. I mentioned how our country is so zealous about protecting their children. Almost overly so. Do you remember the story that made the headlines awhile back, when a mom allowed her son to ride the subway in New York from point A to point B. (There were people on both ends waiting for him. And it was a straight shot.) But people all over the nation blew up over it. How could a mom be so careless about her 10 year old son? What is she thinking? Someone call social services.
Yet, we are okay with murdering a couple thousand per day? And then ripping parts of their bodies off and selling them?
Abortion has become culturally acceptable. The battle between pro-life and pro-choice has been raging for decades, and we have become calloused to this debate. But the videos released by CMP at regular intervals have once again opened the eyes of the culture to the horror that is abortion. (Hopefully, once and for all.) Below is the third video (with more on the way). These are arrows in the hands of a very skilled warrior. Planned Parenthood seems to be caught off guard and are quickly becoming lost and disoriented as to how to respond to these attacks.
A couple years ago, my dad led a bible study for a group of my friends. One passage we touched on was Matthew 16:18:
"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (ESV)
My dad drew our attention to the use of the phrase "gates of hell." That's a defensive term. Many Christians take a defensive posture, sitting back and wait for the coming of Jesus. But we called to be on the offensive. We are suppose to march on and take the gates of hell.
Planned Parenthood is another stronghold to take from the enemy. It is being revealed for what it truly is. But we can't just settle. We need to continue to push.
It's time to march on the gates of hell and take it.
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