Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mission Impossible Day Seven: Where are the Men? (Part 1)

Many of us wonder to ourselves, "What has happened to us?  What happened to propel us over the edge and into this abyss?  What started this plummeting?"

I'll answer these ponderings with another question:  Where are the men?  

Let's tackle the tip of this iceberg.  The presidential election is just a year away, and already we are in the midst of debates.  These debates are made to show which man we think is most capable for the job.  It should be very illuminating.  Yet, how do we seemingly pick the wrong man time after time?  We may think that he is qualified for the job because of his capabilities, but we need to look deeper than that.  Yes, we do need a capable leader, but we need a righteous one. 

There are plenty of capable men out there, but how many of them are righteous?  A president should not only be a capable man, but he should be a righteous man.  When you are voting for a president, you should be confident in his capabilities as a leader of a nation, but, first and foremost, you should believe in his being capable of leading his family.  The family is the cornerstone of every nation.  If the cornerstone is weak, the nation will crumble.  But if a cornerstone is strong, then that nation will stand tall.  

And as the head of the family, the father has alot of sway as to the direction of his family.  He is the rudder of the ship.  If he is a weak father and doesn't raise his children in the ways of the Lord, then he has built a weak cornerstone for the world.  "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."  (Ephesians 6:4)  

Strong men, or the lack thereof, is what is hurting this nation. "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love."  (1 Corinthians 16: 13-14)  Righteous men do not leave their wives.  Righteous men do not abandon their children.  Righteous men are not weak.  Righteous men raise sons and daughters to become righteous sons and daughters of God.  Righteous men change a nation.

"If boys don't learn, men won't know." - Douglas Wilson.

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