Thursday, July 13, 2017

Engagements and Other Things

"Engagements and Other Things" really just boils down to an engagement and nothing else.  If you have not been around on social media in the last week, then you might have missed that my older sister, Micaiah, became engaged to Eric Shaw.  It has been my pleasure to witness these two grow in their relationship over the last six and a half months.  I am thankful that I was able to be up here and get to know Eric.  He and Micaiah are a great match, and I am very excited for the future that these two have ahead of them.

In the "Other Things" side of my life, I have been working, sleeping, working, eating, sleeping.. and working.  But that is what summer is for.  Gotta "make bank".  But at weeks end, I generally find myself even busier with either visiting family in Seattle, or going out of town to participate in Hoopfest.  (Which is apparently the biggest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the nation.)  

Somehow, summer did not slow down one bit and school is just one month away.  But I can confidently say that I am excited to go back to school.  I'm definitely ready to do something with my mind again.  (As an aside, mowing grass and washing dishes isn't mentally taxing, but that may just be me.)

I hope you all are having a restful and productive summer, and I will see you around!

Congratulations, Micaiah and Eric!

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