Thursday, November 23, 2017

| 10,000 Reasons |

". . . do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4: 6-7.  (My emphasis.)

With thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Where to begin?  I am overwhelmed.  Whenever I stop, think, and reflect, my knees should hit the dirt in worship.  My hands should constantly be lifted in thankfulness.  I should be joyful.  And yet, I find myself retreating into the cave of anxiety and doubt more often than not.  Too often I forget.  But today is a good day to remember.  To remember and be grateful.  

My parents.  What they have done for me is beyond comprehension.  My dad joining the military twelve years ago to support his then family of three children, now five.  My mother's willingness and desire to home-school her children, not flinching from the challenge of being a mother 24/7 and raising five children through two deployments.

My wonderful siblings.  Micaiah, for your straight shooting wisdom and advice.  Abi, for being my constant companion in ridiculous schemes and adventures.  Bear, for bringing the love of baseball into my life.  Belle, for the reminder that the ordinary is extraordinary.  

Friendships.  The list can go on for awhile, and I count myself a wealthy man indeed for it being this way.  I have been blessed with friendships all over the world.  But I am especially thankful for the Romo clan, whose impact has outlasted time and distance.  Also for my roommates from last year.  Kip, Luke, and Levi.  You have challenged me more than I could ever have imagined in my first year at college.  And for that, I am grateful.  Benjamin and George.  Thank you for being there to listen to my rants.  Thank you for setting me straight.  

To my teachers in the past and present.  For extended family.  Especially Mimi and Grandma.  Uncle Corey, thank you for all the runs and sports talk.  Uncle John, thanks for teaching me how to calk.  Uncle Wes, for the travelling advice on which part of France will yield the best wine.  

Also for late night talks.  Laughter that makes your bones ache and face sore.  Tears that heal.  Hugs that crush but don't break.  Coaches that push.  For long drives with friends.  Naps.  A well done burger.  For a book that you can't put down.  For school work that you want to put down but have to build the perseverance to keep up.  For reminders.

And last, but definitely not least, for the Giver of all these things.  Without whom, I would still be in the dark.

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