Friday, June 1, 2018

| Writing and Artistry - A Common Goal |

After getting off work today, my friends and I attended an art-walk in downtown Pocatello, in which there were a number of paintings displayed which had been painted by my friend's grandfather.  Pictured below is one of my favorites from his display.  (Although, the picture that I was able to snag does not do it justice!)  

It was during my time of examining this piece of art when something came to me.  (It isn't a novel idea, but I hadn't ever considered it this way before.)  What I saw sitting in front of me was something that I myself am working on accomplishing.  Now, I am by no means an artist, at least, not in the sense of one that can command a brush or pencil to work out an image that others will appreciate.  I have not acquired that skill - yet, (I have wild dreams).  But as an aspiring writer, I try to capture an image and construct that scene in someone else's mind.  I try to paint an image that will come across the pages of my writing.  

I think that artists and writers have this similar goal.  They both see something and then try to recreate it.  Whether it is a fictional piece that we have imagined in our mind's eye, or something that we have come across in real life - it is still an attempt to emblazon that on the minds of those who are appreciating our work.

I have been seriously impressed by an artist's ability to capture life in a single image.  It blows my mind when I look at an eye and see a twinkle of laughter represented there.  Or I look at a caricature of someone I know and see a part of their character captured in a drawing.  A capable artist captures a part of life and conveys it in a single image, emotion and all.

It truly speaks a thousand words.

Hopefully, I can come close to that one day with my writing.

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