Tuesday, October 8, 2013

20 Years

Last week was my parents' 20th anniversary.  They are amazing parents and I wouldn't trade them for the world.  Not only have they raised five children, they have moved across oceans and continents with them.  How many people could do that?  How many people can homeschool five kids and succeed at it?  These parents are exceptional.  If it is true that there are superheros in this world, well, I know two of them.

They have set such good examples of how a marriage should be.  I know how a man should treat his wife by watching my dad.  And I've learned what true love is when I see my parents interact.  And I know what to expect in a wife by seeing how my mom treats my dad.  

In our culture today, you would be hard put to find a solid marriage.  It is unfortunate, and we need to change that.  As Christians, we need to set the example by having wonderful relationships.  My parents are a splendid example.

20 years ago they were a cute couple with no children.  20 years later, they are still amazing and have five children.

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