Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Hall of Forgiveness Part 1

(Halfway through my challenge!  Hope you guys enjoy.)

I'm sure you have heard of the Hall of Faith, listed in Hebrews.  Then is where I got this idea from.  Why just a Hall of Faith, but also Hall of Forgiveness?  Or, more accurately: The Hall of Forgivers.

What exactly is that suppose to mean?  I am going to list men and women from the Bible, who forgave.  Even when they could have easily struck back, or held it against the person who wronged them.  It is important to learn what our ancestors did, so that we can observe and apply it to our lives.  God obviously is giving us examples so that we can learn.  He wouldn't be showing it over and over again if it wasn't important.

Of course, God is the Supreme example.  The abundance of His love that washes all of our sins away.  Anyway, I'm going to pick and choose people from the start to the end of the Old Testament.

1. Noah.  I believe that he had to be able to forgive all of those people that mocked him while he was  building the Ark.  If he hadn't been able to let it slide, he would have given up on building the Ark.

2.  Joseph.  It took an enormous amount of the Spirit moving in him, to be able to make his heart ready to forgive his brothers; but he did.

3.  Moses.  How many times was he ridiculed by his own people, when he came to Egypt to deliver them?  Very similar to how Christ was mocked by the people who He came to save.  Moses forgave and moved on.

4.  Gideon.  This man had many faults, but he still came back to raise Israel up out of slavery, after being sent away from his family.

5.  Naomi.  She was sad in her heart that her sons and husband had died, but she did not hold it against the Lord.

6.  David.  In my opinion, one of the greats.  He was persecuted so many times, he was patient through trials and tribulations.  He never raised a hand against the Lord's anointed, even though he knew that he was heir to the throne.  And another example of his forgiveness, when Absalom rose up against him. His own son.  Yet David still loved him.

7.  Job.  This man is also one of my favorites.  He never hated his friends or his wife for trying to draw him away from the Lord, he forgave.

8.  Last but not least. The prophets of God.  Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel,  Jeremiah, Nehemiah, and all the rest.  They had to have so much patience and forgiveness for the nation, that it was evident that God was working through them.

That is it for the Old Testament!  Remember, if these Heros of old can forgive, why can't we?  Forgive and let go.

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