Wednesday, October 16, 2013

David the Anointed (Part one)

 "11 Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest,[a] but behold, he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we will not sit down till he comes here.” 12 And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.” 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward. And Samuel rose up and went to Ramah." (I Samuel 16: 11-13)

Here we have the introduction of David into the Story.  God's Story.  One from a lowly background, but of a rich bloodline.  Descendant of Judah and Boaz, and part of the line of Christ, who couldn't have asked for a richer line?  And yes, he is also the eighth son who watches the sheep.  The waterboy.

But here he is, the last person anyone would have expected.  Another example of God raising the low and exalting them.  From a shepherd, to a warrior king of a mighty nation.  This man would be the protector of Israel, and the shepherd of an entire kingdom.  Not just sheep.

God knew that Saul was not going to be faithful that long, and when he turned from the Lord, God aroused Samuel to go to Jesse.  (Notice that the Spirit of the Lord "rushed upon Davis.." and later on you'll see that Saul was troubled by a spirit of God.  This symbolizes David's rise to power.)  Thus, you find David being anointed.  And later on in chapter sixteen, you'll find that Saul actually brings the one to replace him to his own court.  Ironic much?  

God definitely had a hand in this part of the story.  As we will see throughout the story of David.  It is a beautiful story.

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