Friday, April 4, 2014

Are Facebook And Hashtags Good or #Evil?

Facebook.  Twitter.  Youtube.  Tumblr... MySpace.  All these social websites have popped up in the last couple decades.  Many people, some Christians, view these as a stumbling block.  And something to steer clear of.  Now, I'm not saying these aren't capable of causing people to stumble, but these can be blessings as well.

Just like anything, the interwebs can be used for good or for evil. For me, Facebook is a site where I can connect with many of my Online Class friends.  Yes.  They exist.  So, for the great majority of the time, it is an amazing blessing.  But with any blessing, there comes a responsibility with that blessing.  If you abuse that, when it starts affecting your relationship with the people around you, then you need to put it away for alittle while.  Step away, and don't ruin those relationships that you have with others by immersing yourself on the internet.

That is probably the greatest "evil" about all of the social media sites on the internet, or any site for that matter.  The worst thing that we could do with the internet is that we are tempted to cut ourselves off from socializing, and  not enjoy the other gifts that God has given us.  Just beware next time you log in to one of those sites, just remember that we need to use that blessing and gift from God to glorify Him.

As for #Hashtagging.. I'll leave that up to you to decide whether or not to use them.

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