Monday, April 28, 2014

Running the Race to the End

Spring break.  Check.  Big projects for school coming up. Check.  Three weeks till Finals.  Check.  No blog post in the past two weeks.. check.  Sorry all.  Life has decided to hit the gas pedal and hold it there.  We're zipping through the last few weeks of school, and summer is just around the corner.

So, here I am posting.  Posting about?  There has been plenty that has been happening, and yet I still procrastinate about telling them.  But the big thing is.. that summer is on the way!  For alot of students, which I can easily slip into, is to just go on cruise mode.  Try to study a little here and there for Finals, and then try to survive that week of torture that awaits all students at the end of the year.

So, this is my little encouragement.  There are only a few weeks left, make that final push to get through it.  Don't settle for just mediocre.  Excel at whatever you do.  Represent your Creator with joy and gladness in your heart.  Run the race that God has set before you!

So keep those distractions in check.

Because summer is right there.

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