A storm swept through Lupberg yesterday; rain, wind, lightening, the whole shabang. It was a powerful one that lasted a couple of hours. Being me, I went out after it to try to capture some photos for you, unfortunately it was too overcast to get many photos. One did make it, but the rest are from this mornings photo shoot.
The pub across the street. |
The rain doesn't stop the tractors. |
I will never forget this village, and the stories that have played out in it. |
How about this old bike? |
Lupberg's soccer field. |
The sun scattering the clouds. |
Say hello to the Lupberg Gradeschool. |
The colors. |
The colorful Guest House. |
I believe this is the World War II Memorial here in Lupberg. |
This is one of the reason why I will miss Germany, the winding roads. |
The cobblestones are so colorful. |
The sun was able to fight through some of the cloud cover. |
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This one is from last night! My personal favorite. |
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