Everywhere, the name of Jesus Christ is abused. In the workplace, at schools, and on the sports team. People ignore the command, "Do not take the name of the Lord in vain." Our culture today doesn't respect the Lord of Hosts. They don't care whether they take His name in vain. They use His name, but not in the way it should be used.
The name of the Messiah used to be a name of power, it should still command that respect. But like words like love, awesome, and beautiful it is overused. People love Burger King. I had an awesome day. Those pants are beautiful. People curse the name of Christ, they stain the powerful name of the Messiah.
This is how the culture affected the respect of the God of the Universe. They have not cared about the One they curse, His Name of power has been mistreated like love, beauty, and awesome. All three are attributes of God. God is awesome.
Awesome is defined as, "inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear;" He is awesome. God made the mountains, hurricanes, and tornadoes. He inspires awe in man-kind through these creations. He inspires an overwhelming feeling of reverence and admiration. Burger King is not awesome.
Love is defined at, "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person." Now, at first glance, if we go by this definition, it looks like we're trying to make God out to be a lovey-dovey being who wants nothing but the best for us. God does want what is best for us, but he isn't some vague being in the sky. Our God does what is best for us, and what is best for us is Jesus Christ. He sent Him to die on the cross, because He loves us. Our Father will never abandon one of us children. He will sacrifice His only Son to give us a chance at eternal life with Him. This is love.
The story that we are living in right now, is a story that has ends and beginnings. We are born, born with the God-given breath of life. We grow old, we die. In between birth and death, we live, dance, sing, shout, and stumble. God is always there. Through it all, He is telling a beautiful story that has beginnings and ends. He makes beginnings out of what man thinks are ends.
So what does this have to do with us?
As a matter of fact this has everything to do with us. Mankind abuse the name of Christ, we disrespect the Creator who made us, and we don't want to be a part of this masterpiece He is painting for us. Ignoring Him and cursing His name is the last thing we should do. Embrace what we have been given, and lean on the powerful name of our Messiah. No matter what humans do, they will never be able to tear down the strong foundation of the name of Jesus Christ. He will always be there to intercede for us before the Throne of the Almighty, even if we forsake Him. The name of the Lord will uphold us in times of doubt.
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