Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ten Different Types of People on Bumper Cars

Thursday afternoon found my mom, Bear, Belle, and I heading to the Volksfest that was being hosted on our post, for both Americans and Germans.  It's a way for our two communities to get out and socialize.  Being, the oldest sibling there, I took it upon myself to take my younger siblings on the bumper cars (very sacrificial, I know.)  And it also was Belle's first time on the bumper cars.

While experiencing the constant whip-lashing, I also had the time to look at the different people driving in the small area that was allotted for this gladiator battle on wheels.  (Don't worry, I would stop to correct my brother whenever he would go backwards, sideways, or just turn around and against traffic.)  So, this brings you to the "Ten Different Types of People on Bumper Cars."

1.  There is always that one twenty one year old guy, who deems it necessary to use his Savings on all the chips he can buy. (And because having a real car is too mainstream.)

2.  Then there are the two siblings who crunch into a car, and lock onto an unsuspecting older brother and his three year old sister, and give their gift of whip-lashing.  And potentially scarring that little girl, so that she will refuse to ride in a bumper car ever again. (Don't worry, I rammed them back.. multiple times.)

3.  You can't forget the older couple, that probably haven't seen a bumper car in their life, and start laughing as they call for assistance, because their chip won't work.

4.  That one little girl, who looks so innocent.  She'll make you pay for thinking that she is innocent.

5.  But then, there really is that innocent girl, who has no idea what she's doing, and starts wailing about how life isn't fair.  (She's right on.)

6.  Wait for it.. the rage monster.  It can be all fun and games, until someone nails him.  He'll get you back.  Hard.

7.  That little brother, who refuses to go with the flow.  NO.  Must get out of flow.  #Toomainstream.

8.  And we've all seen that guy, who is obviously too big for the bumper cars, and winces whenever he runs into someone.. (Those shins can only take so much hurt.)

9.  And then on the completely opposite side of the spectrum are the short people.  The kind of people who can barely see over the steering wheel.

10.  And last, but definitely not least, that person who tries to avoid all kinds of contact.  (You can't blame them.)

That's my list!  How about you?

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