Michael looked down from the gleaming tower down on the Angelic beings flying hard and fast back to Mount Zion. The Light reflected and shone brightly off the armor of the Angels. Michael looked at them, then back at the hallway where the Light emanated. He calculated quickly, only a few miles out. Which means that they will be here any second.
Michael turned back to the hallway, from the balcony he had been keeping watch on, and gave one more flap of his wings and flew down the corridor. As he glided left to go down the stairs, a powerful voice filled his head. "I know, my son. They approach from the west. And I know what news they carry. I know the rebellion. I have always known. Do not fear for them, my child. Instead. Pray."
The Archangel bowed his head.
* * *
Archangel Gabriel flapped down into the courtyard, his heart overwhelmed with righteous anger. And sadness. A sadness that felt like it would rip apart his heart from his soul. His clear blue eyes were clouded with troubled thoughts, as he walked up the main stair to the oak front doors. With every step he took, the Light brightened, until when he finally passed over the threshold, it would have blinded any human that attempted to pass into it.
Gabriel paused at the doorway and looked back at his fellow Warriors, all of them mighty angels of God. Of the twelve total angels that had gone on the mission, eleven of them were nearly eight feet tall and broad. But the one at the back of them group barely stood seven feet, and was slighter than the rest. He was built for speed.
Gabriel turned all around, "Joab. Walk by my side." When the younger angel joined the leader of the band at the front, and they proceeded into the council of the Lord. All of them were Warriors of the Light.
As they entered the Great Hall, they were washed over with the song of the Seraphims and Cherubs that surrounded the Throne of their Almighty Father. But there was something deeper, as they entered the presence of the Lord, they felt forgiven. And loved. They felt full. Their cup was overflowing.
The Light that was flowing from the Throne was the essence of power. It was the essence of love. It was the essence of compassion. It is Power, Love, and Compassion. The King, who filled the Throne, could not be looked at. Even the Angels had to shield their eyes. Gabriel, Joab, and their fellow warriors dropped to their knees and bowed their heads and laid their swords, tip facing them, on the floor in front of them.
A low rumble filled the room, and the King spoke, "My children, rise. And be filled with peace. You are troubled. It pains Me as well that Lucifer should refuse forgiveness. He has caused trouble, and refuses to be healed. Don't worry, Warriors of Mine. I AM."
So, what do y'all think? A possible new book idea? I feel like it would be an interesting story. I still need to finish my trilogy, but as a possible side, I could write this. Also, a disclaimer, this is just a theory. Not even that. More like just a young writer playing with the thought of what was the story behind the fallen Angels. Hope you enjoy! And let me know what you think.
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