Sunday, May 25, 2014

We're All Stories

The title of this post reflects the title of the blog, this world is a story.  The God who made the world loves story-telling, He delights in throwing in plot twists.  He makes beginnings out of ends, He blesses the humble, and humbles the proud.  He draws straight with crooked lines.  He uses sinners, the very people who rejected Him, to glorify Himself and accomplish His will.  He gives humans a second chance.  He gives us eternal life.

We are actors in this story being told by the Creator.  We are given scenes, and we have to roll with it.  We are given situations to make the best of.  We are given people to love.  We are given challenges to overcome.  The person next to you has been put there for a reason.  Don't ignore them.  Love them, grow with them, challenge them in the right way.  We are actors, but we don't have our lines written out for us.  We don't know what is going to happen in the next scene, or the next minute, or the next moment.  We need to be ready for those situations.

For example, Sundays are busy in the Lopez household.  Church takes up the majority of the morning, and then we host small group at our house in the evening.  This particular Sunday was a gorgeous day, and was begging the children outside.  Thus, my sister and I plunged into the unknown of the backyard to watch the children of the parents that come to small group.

Normally, we just look on as the kids use their imaginations and play together, but today was different.  Today was going to be interactive, atleast for me.  My sister, Abi, sat on her towel in the grass and watched with an amused expression on her face as I wrestled and shouted with the boys.  First we played soccer, then baseball, and then switched back to soccer.  Seeing as the size ratio was slightly in my favor, I normally found myself on my knees, playing goalie, or pitching for the seven year-olds.

As the evening progressed, we moved to the popular request of football..  After a certain team (I won't mention which one) scored multiple touchdowns by their 6'3 star running back, it quickly deteriorated into a game of wrestling.  The young fellas attacked me from every angle.  One came running at me (I now realized that he was a decoy), and I proceeded to sling him over my shoulder.  Another one attacked my leg and clung for dear life, while I was being thus distracted, then the other two warriors sprung on me and pushed with all of their might that they could muster.

I toppled.

They laughed victoriously.

The young warriors danced around their fallen enemy, as the dust settled on the battle scene, and the sunset swept the young combatants off to their victory feast of icecream and cookies.

I laughed and leapt after them.

The victory was short-lived.

Every moment is a scene in the story that God is telling.  Live out every second for Him.  Live so that the other actors look at you curiously, and ask you who is this God you speak of?  Live, breathe, and dance in this story.  We may not be familiar about the next chapter, but we do know the Author that writes it.


Unknown said...

You were like Grendel from Beowulf, sneaking up on those little warriors

Unknown said...
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