Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dorito Snatcher Part 1


Thus begins a new series of what we will call: The Doritos Snatcher.  This new "column" will be me telling the tales of my youngest sister, Belle.  Being only a toddler, she does plenty of things that make one laugh.  So, here is part one:

The day was hot.  One of those days that you just wanted to locate a fan, curl up in front of it, and hunker down in your basement while reading a good book.  Unfortunately for me, this was not to be.  I was sweating in the outdoors, slaving over a lawn mower that creaks when pushed.  (El Paso is going to kill me with the heat.)  That morning, my mother was preparing the long and arduous journey to the commissary.  My siblings and I promptly begged her for sandwiches from the store.  They make some of the best pa-nines ever. 

Anyway, once I finished my job on the yard, I stepped into the cool of the house and went in search for my mom.  It didn't take long, she was in the kitchen, unloading the glorious sustenance that we call food.  After she handed me my delicious feast wrapped in plastic wrapping, she handed me a large bag of doritos.  I was truly in heaven.  Icing on the cake.

Profusely showering my mother in thanks, I sat down at the dinner table.  I opened up my book and breathed out slowly.  Attacking the sandwich first I consumed it slowly, savoring the flavor of the turkey meat, swiss cheese, lettuce, and mayo.  It was bliss.  Once I finished the last bite, I chased it with some cold ice water, and then turned to my doritos.  This is when it happened.  When my life changed.  Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but it was still very serious.  

It started with my older sister, Micaiah.  She sidled over and asked for one of my precious chips.  I graciously passed her one.  Feeling satisfied, I turned back to my meal.  Then I remembered that I had forgotten something.. something in the kitchen.  I got up, my brain working furiously to figure out what I had forgotten.  It didn't come to me.  Stepping into the kitchen, I started opening cabinets, jars, and slowly worked my way to the fridge and freezer.  Then I heard my baby sister's signature giggle and slapping feet. 

I rushed back to the dining room.  No.  This couldn't happen.  I glared at Belle as she grinned victoriously from her perch across the table.  She smiled at me.  Then took a bite.  Then another.  Until she had eaten the entire dorito.  Apparently, having seen her eldest sister granted a dorito, gave her the automatic liberty of taking one.  I had been betrayed.

I warned her to tread cautiously next time.  As I ducked back into the kitchen to solve the mystery of the forgotten something, I heard her quick feet, slapping the wooden floor, to my seat and back to hers. I poked my head out and gave her the death glare, she grinned back and handed one to Abi, who was sitting next to her on the computer.  She had stolen two more doritos.

That was it, I forgot about the forgotten something and I sat down at the table and comforted myself with my king sized dorito bag.  Or what was left of it.  This could never happen again.

Introducing: the Dorito Snatcher.  (Photo creds: Rachel Lopez)

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