~All death could do was shake its fist.
Easter Sunday was a week ago. And if you were anything like me, this past week was tough to finish out. It may be the looming move; it may be that school is almost over and the anticipation of that; but it really was the fact that after all the celebrating, joy and pure happiness, it was hard to come back down to earth and deal with the mundane.
That was it. This week felt mundane after celebrating the Resurrection of our Christ and remembering what that meant. When Christ rose from the grave, he conquered death. Death, that had made brave men weak in the knees and tremble in their inmost being, was destroyed. Its power to torture the consciences of men was turned back in on itself. Christ took the bite from the bark. Thus, all death could do was shake its fist.
"... for they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.." - Luke 20:36.
What should we fear? Christ defeated death. He slew the dragon and got the girl (His bride, the Church). Death is no more than a portal to an amazing eternity of the essence of Joy. Now don't start thinking that I recommend skimming through this life and not enjoying what is passing by outside the window. So this is my encouragement to you as school ends in the next few weeks. As soon as we become sons and daughters of the Resurrection, we should enjoy life more. We should see the patterns of the Creative Designer, the colors of the Master Artist, the pieces of a Masterpiece. We should want to work harder, push harder, and determine to find the limits. We should want to bring the Gospel to all the corners of the world.. because we are sons of the Resurrection.
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