Monday, August 3, 2015

Green Eyes and a Heart of Gold (Some Tunes)

Today I realized that we had less than a month till the 2015-2016 school year kicked off.  I thought incredulously to myself, it's already August?  So, to distract myself from that awful realization, I decided that I would compile a list of some of my favorite tunes.  Now, I'll put a cap on the number of recommendations so that this list doesn't drag on and on.  (We all hate never-ending lists.)

I enjoy listening to music all across the spectrum; so this should be fun.

Isaac's Top 5:

1.  Currently, sitting at #1 is the Lone Bellows.  In the genre of folk rock, they reminded me of the Civil Wars when my dad recommended them to me.  And since then, I have been binge listening to their songs.

2.  Rolling in at #2 is Propaganda.  I wrote a previous post on his "song:" Be Present.  He falls in the genre of Spoken Word.  With his unusual sound and uncanny knack of hitting the hammer on the head of the nail, he really catches one's attention.

3.  Third on the list is Red Mountain Church.  They simply sing of the glory of God.  Calming and thought-provoking.

4.  Anthem Lights slides in at #4.  Although they fall under the broad umbrella Contemporary Christian Music, this band stands out with the way they harmonize and sing within themselves.  Not only do they write their own songs, but they do covers of pop songs.  And I must say, they somehow make it sound better.

5.  Wrapping up at #5, you have the Sons of Korah.  They put the Psalms to song in a way that one could believe that's how the Hebrews would sing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yus. I like all of those! xD