Friday, November 13, 2015

Mission Impossible Day Five: Satisfied With His Story

God is not static.

He is changeless, yes, but not stagnant.  He is the creative Painter and master Author.  He has created such a story that is not boring.  No matter how we feel in a moment.  When we claim that we "are bored", we are claiming dissatisfaction in this life.  This gift of life that we have been given, we have the audacity to express discontent.  We are grumbling.  We rarely ever feel satisfied and thankful.

Not only are we bored, we are impatient.  Impatient to get to the next big thing.  I have fallen into this snare constantly.  There are so many exciting things that are going on in life, that failing to see the beauty of living in the moment is not uncommon.  Christians should be the ones who truly live out the saying, Carpe Diem.  We truly should seize the day and live life to the fullest.

"Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God has already approved what you do." (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

We, as Christians, have all the more reason to rejoice and live.  We have all the more reason to celebrate daily.  We have all the more reason to be glad because of the hope that is in us.  Our joy should be so infectious, that it should impact those around us.  They should ask us what our joy is.  And our response is Love.

When we are constantly looking ahead, we are overlooking what is in front of us.  There is never a dull moment on this earth.  Do not mistake a quiet moment for a purposeless one.  These are moments of silence for rest and reflecting.  There is nothing that happens outside of God's power.  God is a God of purpose, so why should we think that there is a boring moment?  Every moment is one that should bring us joy.  Do not be discontent.  But, rather, be satisfied with His story.

"Next to faith this is the highest art - to be content with the calling in which God has placed you." - Martin Luther

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