Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Eat Lucky Charms /The Nostalgia Surrounding Christian Movies/

"They got a bunch of Christians to mistake promoting this movie as promoting their faith."

When it comes to Christian movies, books, and music, we tend to give them a pass.  Mostly because it falls under the genre of "Christian."   We overlook the quality and forget to keep a sharp mind, because it is "on our side."  One of the major flaws in the church today is: that it is so busy with pointing out the speck in unbelievers eyes, and trying to convert them, that we forget to look in the mirror and examine the log in our own.  

I found this Youtuber, who reviews Christian movies.  He holds them up to the standards of other movies.  Say Goodnight Kevin is himself a Christian, so he understands the pitfalls that we can stumble into.  Now it could very easily turn into a game of bash-the-Christian, but I believe he does a very good job of spotting the inconsistencies and errors in movies like God's Not Dead, Facing the Giants, Do You Believe? etc. without becoming spiteful.  Movies like these find a niche.  They like to exploit the victimization that many Christians often feel.

Movies like this make it seem that we have the power to persuade people to become Christians.  And although we are called to witness and bring the Gospel to the ends of the world, it is ultimately God who brings someone into His family.  To think that we can make someone believe is over stepping our bounds.  Not to mention impossible.

"I am the vine; you are the branches.  Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

So by all means, text "Eat Lucky Charms."

*This review video is quite long, so if you skip to 33:30, it will take you to the meat of his breakdown.*

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