Saturday, July 2, 2016

Summer Happenings

June has been a whirl of visiting family, working, and shopping for college.  (And I mean alot of shopping.)  I just finished up my last day at the winery last night, where I have been working for the past few months, so I thought I would take some time and recap what I've done in the first half of my summer.

Middle of June found my family and I making the short roadtrip across the state to the city of St. Louis.  While there, we visited the Muny in Forest Park to witness the musical Wizard of Oz.  We also visited different parts of downtown, including the Basilica.  All in all, it was a very enjoyable time for our last visit to St. Louis before we head north.

The Wednesday following our expedition across Missouri, my mother, sister, and I went and toured our old school.  My parents used to teach here, and my sisters and I used to attend before we were homeschooled. 

Having taken many online classes throughout the years, you establish some friendships that span states, timezones, and even continents.  I had the pleasure of seeing one of my former classmates as she traveled through Kansas City on her way to the east coast.

Don't worry, we actually do tolerate each other.
Along with working at the Winery over the weekend, I also work as a window washer during the week.  This week, the biggest project we faced was power washing a house and cleaning all of its windows:

I hope you all have a blessed summer!

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