Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Boppin' in the Pacific Northwest

Bopping: action verb for anything.
Examples:  "It's bopping in Bucers."  Or, "Let's bop out this exam."
Origin: Fellow freshies.

Our freshmen class at NSA has adopted a few catchphrases, one of these words is the aforementioned word: bopping.  It sure feels like a perfect descriptor for how this first term has gone.  Currently, I'm in Washington relaxing with my family on fall break, but the last eight weeks have felt like a whirlwind.  It has had its highs and lows, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.  

For starters, I never would have anticipated how fast everyone seemed to get along with each other.  It seems like we've known each other for much longer than just the past two months.  We do alot of things as an entire class.  Whether that be playing sand volleyball, ultimate frisbee, or watching movies, we seem to have gotten off on the right foot.  And I am enjoying every moment.  

But like I said, it hasn't been easy.  Along with the best of times, there has been the worst of times.  There were things that I never expected to deal with.  The mental game at New Saint Andrews is tough, and I was aware of this coming into the school year.  But I never expected to deal with a sudden lack of motivation.  It definitely left me shaken, but after talking to several trusted individuals, I just had to muscle through it.  It was a curve ball that caught me flat footed, but just like with every situation, I was being taught a lesson.  Although it was a tough one, I'm better because of it.

Along with the usual experiences a freshman goes through in his or hers first year at college, I partook in my first rugby match!  It is such a unique sport, I have never played anything like it.  But it is definitely stress relieving.  Besides this, I obtained my first internship.  I'm a blogger/journalist for the college.  This has helped push me as a writer, and has challenged me with deadlines that I haven't really experienced outside of papers for school.  

Of my four subjects that I am taking this year (Lordship, Rhetoric, Music, and Latin), Rhetoric has become the most enjoyable.  Every Thursday, we have to prepare a speech and give it in front of our fellow classmates and professor.  Needless to say, you learn alot about each other in these moments.  Once you get past the nerves of possibly making a fool of yourself in front of your classmates, it can be quite enjoyable.  Actually, you just need to accept the fact that you will look like a fool in front of your classmates sometime.

Finally, finals.  (See what I did there.. ha.)  I think I have just now caught up on sleep from last week.  It goes by really quickly, but it approaches just as fast.  I'm still deciding if I actually survived.  But it was a great way to bond.. through all the pain.  

Look, the Pacific.

Fall break has been amazing.


This was back from Day 1 of Prologus.  #Daboyz

I'm ready for Round 2.

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