Monday, August 7, 2017

Ignore Us - An Open Letter to NSA Freshmen -

Here we are.  On the eve of orientation week for the incoming New Saint Andrews freshmen.  The class of 2021 are warming up for the next four year marathon, and since I have two of them for roommates, I decided that I should write this to dis-spell a few rumors that I have heard circulating.

You're sitting there, probably battling nerves, excitement, terror.  Whichever emotion that is dominating the scene, I assure you, everyone has experienced all of the above.  I remember exactly what I was thinking.  There was alot of second guessing in my mind.  It was a constant pendulum:  I am so pumped!  This is exactly where I'm supposed to be, and it feels so good.  And then the very next minute:  What am I doing?  I think I'm going insane or am already insane.

As you've rolled into town over the last few days, I'm sure you've met some of my classmates.  Maybe even including myself.  I'm almost sorry.  I know that I've enjoyed throwing out little bits of information that no one needs to know.  Whether that be horror stories of how tough a class is, how intimidating declamations are, or even a few tall tales of finals week.  I was just speaking with a few of my classmates (who shall remain unnamed), who told me gleefully of how it is quite fun not being a freshman, and how that they have enjoyed telling them stories of the coming year.

Anyway, all this to say.  Don't pay us any mind.  We're just one year ahead of you.  Just one step up. The only difference is that we just finished freshman year, and I think we're alittle drunk on our own success.  This term should sober us a little bit.  But, for the majority of the time, keep in mind that the sophomores are just blowing smoke.

 You're stepping out into a very different scene, and it will obviously take time to adjust.  But the whole process makes the end feeling taste that much sweeter!  Some of you may find your groove right out of the gates, but others may (like me) take a whole term to adjust.  It was a mental uphill battle, but it was worth it in the end.  Jerusalem term is filled with parties, icecream socials, rugby, and barbecues.  It is a blast!  Everything is brand new, but don't be intimidated by that!

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.

Once again, ignore the sophomores.


A sophomoron.

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