Confronting your shadows and fears may be the most difficult thing you'll ever have to do. Whether that be your anger issues or addiction to alcohol, they're a part of you that you will eventually have to deal with. You may not want to, but you know for a fact that you'll have to face it eventually. We call these growing pains. They show up differently in everyone, but everyone has them. It requires a special kind of courage. It isn't a courage that others will necessarily see, or a courage that will receive a high-five at the end of the day, or even a courage that you will muster in a sudden moment. Rather, it is a courage that requires a slow build up. The first step down this path is to acknowledge that you have this weakness. The second step is where you take on the desire to rectify or fix it. The third...? It is fixing it. This so called process is known as maturity. And it is a steadily growing courage that is the type of courage that enables to not only deal with the problems without, but also the monsters within. This courage laughs in the darkness. It dances in the trials. It stares down the doubt. It is: Joy. Laughter. Strength in hope. Family. Friends.
It is unbreakable.
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