Tuesday, October 31, 2017

| Like a Screen Door on a Submarine | Reformation 500

"Faith without works is like a song you can't sing, it's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine." - Rich Mullins, Screen Door.

Faith without works is an all too common topic of conversation on Reformation Day.  Maybe even more so today, since it is the 500th anniversary.  (Can I get an 'amen?')  So, I'm not going to rehash the whole conversation in this post.  If I do accidentally, I pray that you would forgive my error.  (If you don't forgive me, I may just have to indulge in an indulgence.  Okay.  Fine.   Maybe I forced that one?)  Rather, I guess I am seeking an application of this topic.

What kind of song do you sing?

The sophomore class was met with a change this school year.  After having all four of our classes together last year, we only have two core classes.  The other two are electives.  This obviously isn't a complaint, because it is fantastic that we get to choose a couple of our classes each term, but it does change the dynamic of the class.  It was easy then.  We all had the same classes, and so we saw each other on a daily basis. 

But now. . .

Not only do we have the challenge of not being in the same classes this year, but many of us have gotten jobs since freshman year.  It is more like life now.  We are settling in.  That is how it should be.  But, I've found that I have to be more intentional about making time to spend time with my friends.  Friendships are similar to faith in the regard that the idea of it is great, but the application of it is hard.  It can be easy going for a while, but then something happens, and it takes the winds right out of your sails.  Friendship requires sacrifice on both ends and it can be uncomfortable at times.  But it is real.  Faith should be real.  It should be made manifest in how we live.  It is the nitty-gritty of every day life.  From the opening of a door to buying a coffee for someone, it is required in every situation.

Faith is work.

It is hard.

But it is a song worth singing.

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