Monday, December 28, 2020

QOTD: How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps

Point of reference: QOTD is an acronym for "quote of the day."  

Today, I was working through How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps by Ben Shapiro.  A recent Christmas gift that turns out to be an appropriate read to cap this nutty year.  I would like to share this excerpt from the end of Shapiro's introduction:

"Every piece of connective tissue in American life is being stripped away by Disintegrationists.  This is happening constantly, all around us.  We cannot watch a football game without confronting Disintegrationism; we cannot pick up a celebrity magazine, attend a church event, or go to a restaurant without first considering politics.

This is effective.

It's effective because it's exhausting.  It is meant to be.  It is meant to convince Americans to throw up their hands and simply comply with the dictates of the Disintegrationists, or to force Americans to divide up every element of daily life politically.  Either solution is unworkable for a country that wishes to remain united.  Unionism suggests that despite our differences, we are, at root, Americans.  Disintegrationism suggests that despite our American passports, we are, at root, different."

There is so much to unpack here, but one of the chords that was struck while reading this particular passage is how poignantly Shapiro paints the weariness that many people have encountered this year.  I am still near the beginning of this work, but looking forward to seeing what Ben Shapiro makes of this divide we are seeing in America today!  

Stay tuned for an eventual book review.

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