Sunday, May 7, 2017


Time flies.  It seems like just last week that we walked into the Nuart to give our first declamation ever.  Can you remember that first nervous feeling?  I honestly remember mounting these steps, palms sweaty, weighing how much judgement I would receive from you all if I messed up.  But now.  Here we are.  At the end of our freshmen year.  Summer is a week from today, and then after that, we’ll be sophomores.  In three years, we will be graduated from New Saint Andrews College.  I must confess that I am excited for next year’s classes, living situation, and being an upperclassmen.  Life is exciting and full of expectation.  We would be doing something wrong if we weren’t excited for the life that God has made for us.  But I must also confess that I struggle with being too excited sometimes.  When I get excited about the future, I can sometimes forget to be here in the present.  I kind of live in the already not yet stage.  Sometimes I forget to live the life that I was given to be livin’ in. 

If there is anything that you remember from all the times that I’ve climbed these stairs to stand in front of you, just remember this one word:  Focus.  Focus on the time that is being put before you.  There is a reason it was given to you.  God gave you this moment that we are in. He gave us this last winter that seemed to last forever. He gave us the Finals that we will face next week. He.  Gave.  It.  To.  Us.  To just ignore it would simply be to brush God off to the side.   

So next time you’re tempted to live for the future, remember the present, and remember that that is what has been given to you.  For all you know, for all you can be certain of, is the here and now.  All the time that you have been given is right now.  Focus. Focus on living life that was created to be lived in. Thank you all.  Thank you for this last year. 

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